
  • Business Organizations
PO Box 105
Cincinnati, OH 45201
(513) 939-1548
  • About

    The National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) commenced in 1988 with a vision to be THE premier Hispanic business organization for Hispanic business professionals. Dedicated to increasing the number of Hispanics graduating with MBA?s, NSHMBA opens doors for Hispanic talent by sourcing leadership positions, securing job placement and enhancing professional development.

    Though Hispanics with MBAs had been the sole focus, 2015 marks the year in which NSHMBA extends its reach beyond the MBA community to undergraduate and high school-level students. NSHMBA realizes by building Hispanic talent from the ground up, they are empowering Hispanic business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic and social potential.

    Current trends depict that Hispanics are the largest and fastest growing minority group, having the highest drop-out rate, and are severely underrepresented in professional employment. With Hispanics expected to account for 60 percent of the U.S. populations growth between 2005 and 2050, NSHMBA knows that Hispanic success in education and the labor market is of immediate and long-term importance to the nation?s economy.