Bethany House Services

  • Government & Community
  • Non-Profit Organizations
4769 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45237
(513) 557-2404
(513) 557-2871 (fax)

About Us

Bethany House Services provides comprehensive family-centered homelessness services, all of which are provided by staff trained in trauma-informed care and focused on empowering families to reach read more
  • About

    Bethany House Services provides comprehensive family-centered homelessness services, all of which are provided by staff trained in trauma-informed care and focused on empowering families to reach self-sufficiency. Our holistic services – including prevention of homelessness, emergency shelter, housing programs, comprehensive case management, post shelter support, and permanent affordable rental housing – address a family’s current needs and seek to prevent repeat episodes of homelessness.

    Shelter Diversion prevents families with adequate resources from becoming homeless, while post-shelter support prevents a recurrence of homelessness. Our emergency shelters provide safety, food, clothing, case management, children’s programs, and adult life skills classes for families who are actively experiencing homelessness. Rapid re-housing programs, considered to be the best housing practice for alleviating homelessness, provides financial assistance and supportive services with the goal of stabilizing the family as quickly as possible. Bethany House serves parenting and pregnant youth through the HUD-funded Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, which moves high-risk young parents into housing as quickly as possible. Bethany House also owns 24 units of affordable housing in Westwood, most of which are occupied by families supported by a single female head of household.

  • Media

  • Jobs

    Website Refresh
    Category: Internet and New Media
    Project Overview The primary goals of this project are to update and streamline the current site, enhance its visual appeal, improve usability and navigation, and ensure the site effectively communicates our mission and services. Images, and brand guidelines will be provided. Additionally, the site should better tell the story of Bethany House Services by incorporating storytelling elements that more


    Megan Park
    Phone:(513) 407-5143