Indian American Chamber of Commerce

6406 Thornberry Ct, # 220 A
Mason, OH 45040
(513) 542-8597
(513) 542-9286 (fax)

About Us

The Indian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky formed in January 2010. There was an apparent need to bring together Indian professionals and businesses in the read more
  • About

    The Indian American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky formed in January 2010. There was an apparent need to bring together Indian professionals and businesses in the tristate area and facilitate relationships between Indian companies and American businesses.

    Our Mission
    To unite Indian Americans with the purpose of fostering business and professional relationships.

    Our objectives
    To be a one stop shop for American Indian entrepreneurs
    To facilitate collaboration between US and Indian companies
    To assist US companies expanding in local markets in India
    To assist Indian companies expanding in our region
    To promote business amongst Indians
    To encourage networking with Indian professionals and Business owners
    To facilitate local corporations achieving diversity
    To provide competitive edge to local businesses

  • Media