People Working Cooperatively

  • Civic and Social Organizations
  • Housing
4612 Paddock Road
4612 Paddock Road
Cincinnati, OH 45229
(513) 482-5111
(513) 351-2734 (fax)

About Us

People Working Cooperatively performs critical home repairs and services so that low-income homeowners can remain in their homes living independently and healthier in a safe, sound read more
  • About

    People Working Cooperatively performs critical home repairs and services so that low-income homeowners can remain in their homes living independently and healthier in a safe, sound environment.

    Saving Homes. Restoring Pride.

    For more than 46 years, PWC has been strengthening our communities by providing critical home repairs, energy conservation, and accessibility modification services in an effort to help residents remain independent and healthy in their homes. PWC proudly performs more than 8,000 services for eligible homeowners each year, whose typical income is just $14,000 a year. Often, these individuals face challenges due to illness, disability, job loss or other circumstances.


    PWC is supported by a robust group of more than 110 licensed, professionally trained staff members and administrative personnel. In addition, PWC boasts a dedicated corps of 3,500-plus volunteers making it one of the largest volunteer corps in the region. Together, PWC volunteers and skilled staff are in more than 4,500 homes annually assisting nearly 9,000 individuals in southwestern Ohio, northern Kentucky and southeast Indiana.

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